MySQL Installation Problem

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MySQL Installation Problem

Postby joe » Fri May 25, 2012 1:13 pm

I downloaded and installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu LTS 10.04 Server and followed the instructions on the beginners guide 3 times now (starting over from scratch each time) and every time Freeswitch, Plivo, Celery and Redis seemed to be successfully installed but then I get prompts for setting up MySQL where I enter the default hostname, port, username, new password, and default DB name. and then it simply loops back and keeps asking me for the same thing (a hostname, port, username, new password, and default DB name). No matter what I put in these values it doesn't seem to except my entries and it loops back and asks me the same questions.

In the beginners guide it mentions "After some time, a pseudo graphical interface will appear prompting you for a MySQL password. Type in a password, press enter, and type it again to confirm. Take a note of the password." I'm guessing that this is where i am getting stuck, but since this is a server and gnome doesn't come installed it's not really a "graphical interface", unless I did something wrong. In any case, this seems to be the place were it gets stuck every time I never proceed to the next step:

"You will be prompted for the location, name, port and password of Newfies-Dialer database. Go with the defaults, with the exception of the password, where you type in the password entered during the installation of MySQL."

Please help. Is there something that I am missing?

PS: I'm performing this inside a virtual machine, but I don't think this would make a difference.

-Thank You.
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Re: MySQL Installation Problem

Postby jroper » Sat May 26, 2012 6:35 am


When MySQL is installed, it prompts you for a password, as per the attached image, which is what I meant by a pseudo graphical interface. Take careful note of the password you enter here, as you will need it in the place where you are stuck according to your picture.

MySQL Install
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Re: MySQL Installation Problem

Postby tich » Sat May 26, 2012 7:06 am

@ Joe ,I have hit the same issue in the past and it had nothing to do with me getting the mysql password wrong, what i realised is that some dependency modules had not been installed and I had to start the install from the first step and use "apt-get -f update", to fix any broken dependencies that may be in place.
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Re: MySQL Installation Problem

Postby joe » Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:11 pm

How do I know what dependencies to fix? Should I run apt-get -f update and then re-run the install script or should I start from scratch and run apt-get -f update prior to running the install script. I think i tried this already and still came to the same error.
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Re: MySQL Installation Problem

Postby areski » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:18 am

Hi Joe,

This is not a dependencies issue but rather a problem with your root mysql password.

You can test your password this way :
Code: Select all
mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=secretPassword mysql

If you forgot your password, you can reset it, follow instructions here : ... sions.html

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