Version 2.13.10 on Debian 7.0 64Bit
I'm having trouble with the campaign scheduler.
My timezone is set to Europe/Istanbul,
I have set the followings:
Europe / Istanbul
TIME_ZONE = 'Europe / Istanbul'
TIME_ZONE = 'Europe / Istanbul'
# set use of timezone true or false
USE_TZ = True
CELERY_TIMEZONE = 'Europe / Istanbul'
When I start a campaign (Start*) now, it start now.
When I start a campaign (Start*) now, and I set (Daily start time*) 1 hour after, it start right away.
So playing with the (Daily start time*), it works if I set it -3 hours later than the current time (my timezone is +3 GMT)
example : it is now 13:00, if I want the campaign to start in exactly at 14:00, I have to set (Daily start time*)=10:00:00
How can I solve this problem...?