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2013-05-29 15:16:41.022625 [ERR] switch_cpp.cpp:48 Cannot queue any more events.....
This seems to happen more frequently as I start to push against the Session Limit provided by our SIP Provider so I'm guessing the increase in failed calls is causing the problem somewhere.
I have 200 Concurrenct sessions provisioned for our setup so setting the limit at 150 was fine but as soon as I set it to 200 I've now hit the problem problem.
This time Freeswitch has slowly grown to 372 sessions before getting lots of these errors in the cli although in version 2.2 it tended to happen more frequently at 1000+ rather than this low.
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UP 0 years, 0 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes, 55 seconds, 273 milliseconds, 606 microseconds
FreeSWITCH (Version 1.5.1b git d2f3a31 2013-05-21 02:00:43Z) is ready
1500 session(s) since startup
372 session(s) - 0 out of max 10 per sec
10000 session(s) max
min idle cpu 0.00/100.00
Current Stack Size/Max 240K/8192K
From discussions via the freeswitch mailing list I've got back this response from someone pointing me toward newfies-dialer being the problem rather than freeswitch.
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It sounds like you have an ESL program that is not consuming events quickly enough and the event queue is filling up.
I'm wanting to get this sorted before the client moves forward to Purchase the Voicemail detection addon.