External Gateway - SIP Trunk

Moderator: areski

External Gateway - SIP Trunk

Postby kazmi514 » Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:19 am


I have installed newfies,

When I go to /etc/freeswitch/sip_profiles/external#

I add mytrunkxml file, it has the details of my username and password and domain IP address, Its working fine, when I brodcast any message,
Now my issue is,

I got a new VOIP Trunk, and they said, We dont offer username and password Authenticaion, we do only the IP based Authentician, I gave my public IP to them, They allow the trafic from this IP, As I'm interested in outgoing calls so far.

Please guide, whould should be mytrunk.xml file, I skip username and password lines, but no luck,
then I put username and password "nothing" and "none" , stilll no luck,

Please help me.

Thank you
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Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:13 pm

Re: External Gateway - SIP Trunk

Postby areski » Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:33 pm

This question is more related to FreeSWITCH and how to configure trunk / gateway on it.
We don't want to provide extend support for FreeSWITCH on our forum.

I will advice you to try the mailing list.
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